Monday, October 19, 2015

Spiritual Implications of Depression

Depression encompasses a broad range of experiences from normal passive sadness, known as the blues, to a recurrent debilitating illness known as major depressive disorder. Depression is by far the most common psychiatric disorder as well as the most treatable. Each year more than 100 million people worldwide become depressed and by the year 2020 depression will be ranked as the number one debilitating disease (Marano, 1999).

Depression appears to be on the rise. One reason depression has been on the increase is that our society has become so “fixated” with the pursuit of happiness that people become angry and impatient with any unhappiness at all (Pearsall, 1998). Pearsall suggests that statistics are on the increase because our brains are getting better at facing reality, the environment, violence, an unstable economy, and unfairness in the world, reality is far more difficult to ignore.

Depression is not only fairly common and on the increase, it can be very serious. The misery can be so constant, so great and so perpetual that one wants to die to escape the pain. In the U.S. one person every minute attempts suicide, one person every 24 minutes succeeds. Surveys have found that 20% of the U.S. population has depressive symptoms. Depression affects women more than men. Research has established that an estimated 1 out of 5 people (about 1 in 10 for males and 1 in 4 for females) will suffer from depression sometime in their lives.

People can contribute to pain and illness in their bodies by avoiding wounds that might have happened in the past. They may constantly distort their own energy field into a habitual defense system building into more pain and illness. The more a person succeeds in trying to avoid pain and anger, the more their positive feelings are held in, they run a risk of numbing their feelings. This can eventually take a toll on their bodies and can possibly further layering the pain deeper into the spiritual core of themselves (Brennan, 1993).

A lack of spirituality can contribute to depression. Author James Walker, who has written several books and journals on spirituality and depression states that spirituality, or lack of a spiritual belief system, can play a role in depression. Walker states in his book Body and Soul; Gestalt Therapy and Religious Experience; “Through society’s overemphasis, we have succeeded in damaging, if not crushing completely, the spirit which characterizes human existence” (Walker, J. 1971 P. 151). He further concludes that the lack of ones loss of “soulness” ones spirit can be damaged or destroyed. Walker is referring to the belief that one needs to be in touch with their spiritual selves in order to feel whole with themselves. This belief system corresponds with what I’ve always believed in when dealing with depression; without soulness there is no wholeness.

Carl Jung viewed depression as a loss of energy and enjoyment. He also viewed it as regression into a symbolic "womb" associated with an unconscious state described as "psychic death," which was often accompanied by "loss of soul". The depressed individual experiences a feeling of total meaninglessness and inner emptiness, a condition that Viktor Frankl, who developed his psychology of meaning while he was an inmate at Auschwitz camp during the Holocaust, referred to as the "existential vacuum" (Rosen, 1993).
Scientific investigation and subjective definitions of depression all have data to confirm findings, however, even with scientific knowledge and research, depression remains on the increase. In the quest for the scientific links to depression, have we ignored research and discoveries of non-traditional causes of depression?

There are many psychologists, healers and clinicians who have discovered other possible speculations for depression. For example, Caroline Myss, a medical intuitive, author and healer, suggests that it is possible that depression stem from toxic (negative) energy. She further suggests that depression can be a symptom that tells people all is not well (Myss, 1996). Adodea Judith, author and healer, believes that depression is a deficient third chakra.  Adodea indicates that depression is caused by the "three demons" that dwell in the third chakra, fear, guilt, and shame (Judith, 1996).

Deepak Chopra, author, doctor and healer proposes that depression is the non-flow of energy (Chopra, 1992). Alternative practitioners and holistic professionals such as Dr Andrew Weil indicates that other factors including diet and nutrition, lifestyle, and vitamin deficiencies need to be addressed when dealing with depression. Healer and teacher Judith Cohen once told me "If there is an issue it’s in the tissue." The validity of that statement parallels what a variety of alternative practitioners believe in, that it is possible to store emotions in our tissues (cellular memory).

In American civilization, it is suggested that depression is in someway shameful, except for the “brief” exception of grief after the loss of a loved one. To a person not afflicted by depression, a depressed person appears to be lazy and giving up. In fact the Roman Catholic Church considered sadness and sorrow to be symptoms of tristitia, one of the cardinal sins (Rosen, 1993). Therefore, depressed people are pushed by culture to view themselves as afflicted, suffering, or evil. Our society spends a great deal of time and energy denying and concealing depression instead of understanding and accepting it.

When talking with a family member of depressed individual, a family member stated; “If they would just read a bible verse when they feel this way, they would snap out of it.” or “no one else in this family is depressed, they are just wanting attention (T. Woods 1999).

With attitudes and beliefs like these a depressed person can feel diseased and embarrassed by their condition. In fact, one of the largest concerns with people who suffer from depression is that many people feel that depression is a darkness, which makes them feel as if they had a “dark side.” This can make depressed people feel defective, abnormal, crazy, and dysfunctional, which are cognitive distortions. In order to understand depression and the cognitive distortions, it is important to understand the balance and spiritual implications of depression. The example of the yin and yang to explore these distortions of self was utilized.

The yin yang represents the negative and positive principles of the universal life. The yin component is black (depression) and stands for structure. The yang component is white, (cheerful) and stands for movement. The yin and yang are independent. Each one is an element of the other and they are contained within each other representing balance. Within this symbol there is a relationship between the two, they need one another in order to be whole. Yin and Yang are contained within each other, just like depression and euphoria are contained within an individual. The yin is feminine, darkness, moon, shadow, hell, static, earth, flat, space, receiving, passion, West, North and right. 

The yang is masculine, light, sun, brightness, movement, releasing, heaven, time, East, South and left (Legeze, 1975). When the principles of the yin and yang are explained to the people with depression, many are able to grasp onto the concept that in order to feel happiness and be in the light, they must also be able to experience sadness and experience the dark. Many depressed clients who examined this philosophy are able to redirect their initial negative thoughts (schemes) about depression, and became more willing to investigate their depressive states without feeling as if they had a dark side, but rather to look at the implications of balance, and wholeness.

By taking a more holistic approach to depression they can begin to develop hope in a hopeless state of mind. People who take a spiritual and holistic approach to their depression often times can begin to understand that depression, though it is unpleasant, has a purpose and an important path for growth. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Alternative Methods to Mental health

Millions of Americans are beginning to look at alternative methods of healing to compliment traditional western allopathic medicines. Many of these mind-body-spirit techniques complement or integrate nicely within mainstream mental health care. As a practitioner, you will learn to build a bridge enriched by knowledge and practice, both ancient and modern. Here is a partial list of the more common holistic therapies.

Acupuncture-This practice comes from Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) which uses fine needles to remove blockages in the meridian system to help heal the body. Acupuncture seeks to address body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Depression and anxiety can result from a deficient or stagnant energy, or imbalance of yin and yang (the two polar opposite forces of which all things are comprised). This imbalance can take many forms, and acupuncture can often address this along with stress, insomnia, and other mental health issues and concerns.

Acupressure-is the same as acupuncture only without needles.Alexander Technique-centers on posture and how to use the body accurately. It would include explaining to the client how to walk, sit, stand, and lift without holding tension. Learning this technique can lead the way to improved sensory discrimination, a greater awareness of body, mind, and the connection between the two, along with ease of movement.

Art Therapy-Therapeutic self-healing through creative expression and artwork. Depression, anxiety, and stress, is often caused by underlying fears that the anxious person is unaware of. Art therapy can help them discover, and define their fears so that they may then be dealt with. When used along with other interventions for the treatment of depression and anxiety, art therapy can be an effective and creative way to aid an individual’s journey toward self-knowledge and emotional health.

Aromatherapy-Creating balance and harmony in the body through the use of fragrant oils. This helps in the reduction of stress, and other common ailments.

Auric Healing-is based on the principle that all living systems aresurrounded by an electromagnetic energy pattern (aura), or (human) energy field, that includes the human body. Present day scientists measure the frequency and location of this field on humans. The aura reflects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Ayurveda Medicine-Symptoms of depression and anxiety are triggered by excessive mental and physical stress, or the disruption of soft natural biological rhythms. According to Ayurveda, psychological problems start when fundamental imbalances develop in the biological intelligence that controls all bodily processes. Since depression and anxiety can be influenced by many factors, such as, diet, digestion, toxin accumulation, stress, exercise levels, and daily routine, Ayurveda treatments balance many physiological functions simultaneously.

Bach Flowers-Bach Flower Therapy is a form of energy medicine. A Bach Flower "Remedy" consists of water that has been patterned with the energetic vibrations of one of 38 different flowers. The Remedy is added to a cup of water (or other beverage) 4 times a day. Bach Flower Therapy is named after Dr. Edward Bach, whose research led to its development in England in the 1930′s. Like other energetic healing modalities, this treatment seeks to create balance in areas of energetic disruption. Bach Flower Treatment specifically addresses the emotional body of the energy system. Its purpose is to restore emotional harmony.

Bibliotherapy-The application of literature prescribed, or recommended to patients to help process their problems (depression, anxiety, stress, alcoholism, ADD, etc.). Many libraries have listings of bibliotherapy selections categorized by concerns, such as, divorce, death and dying, new baby, step-parenting, learning how to stop pessimistic and helpless thinking, and start to be optimistic, promoting personal growth and development, and creating an individual plan for constructive course of action.

Bindi-Bodywork combining exfoliation, herbal treatment, and light massage.

Bioenergetics-Bioenergetics Analysis is a holistic form of psychotherapy that works with the physical, emotional, and mental patterns to reduce emotional stress and help with the challenges of living. It is a way of understanding personality in terms of the body and its energetic processes. This modality is based on the premise that there is no fundamental separation between the mind and the body: that psychological stress reflects and creates what is happening physically, and physical/somatic events both reflect, and create, mental and emotional states. Emotional stress comes from many areas-relationships, family crises, jobs, health, etc. produce tension in the body. Contractions in the muscular system are often the result of carrying unresolved emotional tension. These contractions can have a direct effect on the energy level of the individual, on the capacity for spontaneous and creative self-expression, and on feelings of well-being.

Biofeedback-The use of electrodes or probes attached to a biofeedback unit which feeds signals and or sounds when it detects changes in the body. Biofeedback has been shown to be an effective tool for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and stress. Anxiety disorders are characterized by a state known as physiologic hyper arousal, or an overload of activity in the sympathetic nervous system, which produces the body’s stress response. The devices used in biofeedback can detect this physiologic hyper arousal and, as the patient and therapist work together to learn ways of coping with the effects of anxiety, these devices can also provide insight into which coping skills are effective.

Bowen Technique-This technique is a highly effective soft tissue remedial therapy which, amongst other things, encourages the body to relax, realign, and heal itself. The Bowen Therapist uses thumbs or fingers to make a series of precise, gentle rolling-type moves over crucial junctions of muscle, bone and nerve pathways. This modality helps with stress, anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia, and other mental health and pain issues.
Breathwork-Proper breathing enhances many healing modalities; including Tai Chi, Reiki, massage, meditation, and yoga. From a breathwork perspective, depression and anxiety are, at least in part, the result of habitual inhibition of breathing. Breathing is inhibited as a way of suppressing awareness of uncomfortable somatic effects (feelings, emotions and body sensations) which have been "made wrong" or rejected. These somatic effects are associated with troubling or traumatic life experiences.

CAM-Is an acronym for complementary and alternative medicine; an umbrella term for a large range of treatments and theories on the nature of health and illness, many of them unrelated, however, having in common that they are not commonly employed by the conventional medical establishment.
Chakra Therapy-Exploration of chakras. Offered here are resources to help our understanding of the funnel shaped energy centers (also called vortexes) that are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our auras.

Chinese Medicine (TCM)-Is the accumulated term used for holistic therapies derived in China, based on the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood that are represented in body parts). These therapies can include herbs, acupuncture, diet, and exercise such as Tai Chi.

Chiropractic-Is manipulative therapy that works on the muscular-skeletal system, focusing on the spine, and its effect on the nervous system.
Color Therapy-Color certainly has its place in healing.

Cognitive Energetic Paradigm-A technique used to treat depression and illness by using energy work along with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Craniosacral Therapy-Is a manual therapeutic procedure for remedying distortions in the structure, and function of the Craniosacral mechanism-the membranes that contain the cerebrospinal fluid within the head and spinal column, as well as the cranial (head and face) bones to which these membranes are attached.

Crystal Therapy-Gemstone glossaries, therapeutic properties of various rocks, cleansing, and charging crystals.

Energy Healers-There are a number of types of energy healing such as; Pranic, Tantra, Chelation, and Reiki, but they are all based on the principle that universal energy can be harnessed and directed to specific areas of the body to help heal the mind, emotions, and spirit.

Dance Therapy-Dance is an excellent way to help one experience and express their emotions. The process of movement therapy is often helpful in resolving inner conflicts.

Dialogue Therapy-This modality operates through dialogue, which can focus on the positive strengths in one’s life as well as the issues, which have become burdensome. The dialogue can involve current life experiences, events of the past, ongoing emotional reactions to the past, as well as, dreams, life goals, patterns of interacting with others, patterns of caring for oneself.

Dreamwork-Are your night dreams making you anxious, or conveying some underlying message you can’t quite grasp? Dreamwork offers helpful resources for dream interpretation, and a variety of resources related to slumber and dreaming.

Drumming-Many cultures use the drumbeat as a way to enter the trance state, meditate, or pray. Drums or percussion instruments generally may be the oldest forms of musical instruments. People often sense that there is a very deep connection to our human tribal past when listening to a rhythmic drum beat. Drumming can facilitate emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness in a supportive environment.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)-This technique is based on the meridian system, comparative to acupuncture, without the use of needles. The process is used to release negative emotional energy stored in the nervous system. It is used in the treatment of trauma, PTSD, phobias, grief, anger, guilt, anxiety, etc.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)-Uses left/right stimulation of the brain, through sight, sound, or touch, to accelerate the brain’s information processing system. EMDR originated in 1987 by Francine Shapiro, to help people address emotional issues.Exercise Therapy-The use of exercise as a treatment for depression and other mood disorders.Folk medicine-is the collection of procedures traditionally used for treatment of illness and injury, aid to childbirth, and maintenance of wellness.

Flower Essence Therapy-Flower remedies are not addictive or dangerous, and can easily be taken in conjunction with other types of treatments. Flower essences are especially helpful for treating mental and emotional problems. The remedies are suitable /safe for all ages, including children, pregnant women, and animals.

Hakomi Therapy-is a body-based psychotherapy developed by Ron Kurtz in the mid-1970s. The International headquarters are in Boulder, Colorado. Hakomi uses body tensions and sensations to help clients probe non-verbal levels where core beliefs direct, and influence their experiences. Body-mind awareness and touch are used to explore the body as a deep source of information, empowering the client to change their attitudes.

Herbalism-The use of herbal remedies to treat illness and encourage balance. All plant parts are used to treat illness.
Holistic Life Therapy-The process of taking aspects of a person’s life, and guiding them through life transitions to help improve their well-being.

Homeopathy-Uses herbal remedies to treat illnesses. Homeopathy meds prescribe dilutions of plants, extracts, minerals, and other natural substances that work on the body’s energy to heal it. This includes the use of cell salts.
Humor Therapy-Humor is a universal language. It’s a contagious emotion and a natural diversion. It brings other people in and breaks down barriers. Best of all it is free, and has no known side affects.

Hypnotherapy-A collection of informational and interesting websites in this healing modality of unlocking hidden treasures within our subconscious minds.
Inner Child Therapy-Getting in touch with the child within our adult beings can be extremely comforting and healing. Have you played with your child today?
Intuitive Arts-A general term for various methods of divination, such as numerology, psychic reading, and tarot card reading. Individuals may consult practitioners to seek information about the future or insights into personal concerns, or the personality. Journaling Therapy-Maintaining a journal is often therapeutic in nature, and can offer a pathway toward understanding ourselves in an intimate way.

Kinesiology-The practitioner uses the body to identify pain, and other ailments, including allergies. The Kinesiologist tests muscles, testing to detect body system imbalance.

Light Therapy-Artificial light, as well as, sunlight are used to help aid in physical and psychological health. Often times this is used to help control hormone production, and other disorders such as seasonal affect disorder (SAD).
Light Worker-A person who has recognized their ability and power to restore and transform consciousness with the highest intent; someone who facilitates the return of the earthly plane to a healthy, happy state, and is aware of the truth about themselves, and the nature of their existence. Someone who finds their powers coming into fuller and fuller expression as it should be with proper usage.

Massage-The manipulation of soft tissue with specific techniques to promote healing, and restore health.

Meditation-A relaxation procedure that can often produce an altered state of mind and help the mind stay focused and still. This technique is used to help with mental, and physical disorders, and also for those who want to maintain health and balance.

Music Therapy-Music and sounds can be incorporated into many types of healing modalities, such as, meditation, massage, hypnosis, etc. Playing an instrument or listening to music in and of itself has therapeutic benefits.
Native American-healing is thousands of years old, and combines religion, spirituality, herbal medicine, and rituals to treat medical and emotional problems, including trauma and addictions. Because there are hundreds of tribal nations, the practices vary, but generally include purifying ceremonies, chants, sweat lodge, and other tribal customs. Healing rituals can last for minutes, days, or weeks, and may involve a combination of dance, chanting, body painting, and prayer.

Naturopathy-This is a term where an experienced practitioner will look for the causes of any illnesses and imbalance and explores diet, exercise, rest and relaxation, and other therapies to help the body heal itself naturally. Vitamins, Bach flowers, cell salts, nutrition, and herbal treatments are often used as a modality.

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)-is a set of techniques whose goal is to alter limiting patterns of thought, behavior, and language. In conversation, practitioners observe the client’s language eye movements, posture, breathing, and gestures, in order to detect, and then help change, unconscious patterns linked to the client’s emotional state.

Nutritional Therapy-is the science of balancing the intake of nutrients, such as, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Nutrition concerns everything that the body does with food to sustain life and growth. What you eat affects your health and enjoyment in life. Healthy eating and a positive attitude can improve the body’s use of food. Western nutrition often views only the chemical components of food, and associated caloric content, whereas most alternative therapists place value on the energetic and spiritual aspects of food as they affect our health.

Orthomolecular Therapy-This modality applies large doses of vitamins and minerals to treat physical and emotional issues.

Reflexology-Uses the feet and hands to manipulate different organs in the body. Gentle massage or pressure is applied to specific reflex points encourage healing.

Rapid Eye Technology (RET)-is a self-empowering technique which provides for ocular assisted release which simulates REM sleep patterns characterized by systematic movement of the eyes and eyelids, rapid verbal communication.
Regression Therapy-Regression therapy can unfold mysteries hidden deep within our childhoods, and can also help past life memories surface for anyone interested in the possibility of reincarnation.

Reiki-Trained practitioners channel energy to balance the life energy.

Rolfing-Concentrates on manipulation to reshape the body into natural alignment.

Shamanism-This term has many aspects, however for the sake of healing, a shaman provides spiritual guidance by way of trance like states to determine the causes of your illness and look for potential cures.

Self-Help or Self-Improvement-The act or instance of improving one’s self without assistance from others. This usually entails resolving or eliminating poor self-image, non-productive thought patterns, painful memories of past trauma, habits, addictions or improving confidence, physical conditions or skills through repeated positive affirmations. It may include self-healing, personal growth, self-hypnosis, guided imagery or subliminal messaging.

Spiritual Therapy-Spiritual approaches to health and healing.
Soft Tissue Release (STR)-is a powerful sports injury treatment technique developed by Stuart Taws while working with the British Athletic Team. STR deals directly with the reasons for soft tissue dysfunctions and subsequent referred pain, and nerve entrapment. In acute situations, STR affects the insidious way scar tissue is formed, and in chronic conditions STR breaks up the fibrotic and adhered mass of scar tissue to quickly allow the muscle to return to its natural resting length.

Sound Therapy-The therapeutic use of sound and music to reduce anxiety and emotional stress, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and promote healing.Subliminal Messaging-The use of images, sounds, or thoughts, which bypass our conscious mind’s ability to block or negate information. This is a self-help technique. The premise is that our sub-conscious minds are always listening to our thoughts, and accepts them at face value. However, if we have a negative self-image or low self-esteem, our conscious mind will reject any suggestion that we are; as an example: attractive, intelligent, or worthy of finding happiness. Subliminal messaging attempts to bypass the conscious gate guard and plant the seeds of positive affirmations, which will lead to real change.

Yoga-A gentle exercise system that benefits the body through breathing and exercise.

These are just some of the natural ways you can look into for a holistic approach to your mental health.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Food and Mood

Food and Mood

Past generations have believed that biochemistry and emotions are separate. Today we are seeing that all of our human emotions have a biochemical basis, thus, diet and natural nutritional supplements affect us in ways that can greatly improve mental health. Body and mind are totally intertwined. Charles Darwin observed in “Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals”, that all people share common emotional facial expressions, as do some animals. We all experience the familiar human emotions of sadness, fear, anger, joy, disgust, contentment, pleasure, and pain.
Diet and nutrition can contribute a great deal to depression and other disorders. Most Americans do not eat ideal diets. Many people tend to consume considerable amounts of processed foods, and empty calories such as sugar and white flour, neglecting to eat from the major food groups. Many experts see depression as a biochemical imbalance. Since we get most of our nutrients from food, and food is a chemical, a good protocol for depression and ones state of mental wellness can begin with food.
Neurotransmitters and Food

A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger released from one nerve cell, which finds its way to another nerve cell, where it influences a particular chemical reaction to occur. Neurotransmitters control major body functions including movement, emotional response, and our physical ability to experience pleasure and pain. A neurotransmitter imbalance can cause depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, irritable bowel, hormone dysfunction, eating disorders, fibromyalgia, obsessions, compulsions, adrenal dysfunction, chronic pain, migraine headaches, and even early death. Scientific and medical research indicates that our brains use more than 35 different neurotransmitters, some of these we can control and some we can’t.

There are many types of chemicals that act as neurotransmitters in the human body. The way that foods may affect these chemicals is important in understanding the possible role of diet in developmental disorders. The foods we eat can directly affect the performance of the brain. It has been proven that by eating the right foods, you can boost your IQ, improve your mood, be more emotionally stable, sharpen your memory and keep your mind young. If you give your brain the right nutrients, you will be able to think quicker, have a better memory, be better coordinated and balanced, and have improved concentration.
Three key Neurotransmitters
• Neurons, which power the message,
• Neurotransmitters, which create the message and
• Receptors, which receive the message.

Serotonin is responsible for the calming and relaxation states with a general sense of well being. High levels of serotonin can cause a person to feel sluggish and drowsy. Low levels of serotonin will cause intense food cravings, insomnia, depression, aggressive behavior, increased sensitivity to pain, and is associated with obsessive-compulsive eating disorders. Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan in the presence of adequate vitamins B1, B3, B6, and folic acid. The best food sources of tryptophan include brown rice, cottage cheese, meat, peanuts, and sesame seeds.
Dopamine and norepinephrine are responsible for alertness, fuel for enthusiasm, and motivation. Protein consumption causes these two neurotransmitters to be released into the brain. Good protein sources include meat, chicken, fish, nuts, soy products, eggs and dairy products.

Some proteins that affect dopamine levels are:
• Fish such as salmon, tuna, flounder.
• Chicken, eggs and turkey.
• Small amounts of red meat.
• Beans, such as chickpeas and lentils.

Aerobic exercise and dopamine levels
If you need to temporarily reduce your levels of dopamine to relax, non-competitive (why non-competitive? competition raises levels of dopamine) aerobic exercise could help, for example:
• Running, swimming, and walking
• Cardio workouts
• Rowing or cycling at the gym or home
• Vigorous mall walking
Some carbohydrates that affect serotonin levels
• Whole grains such as brown rice, oats, and corn.
• Good quality breads, pasta and bagels.
• Vegetables such as potatoes and squash.
• Simple sugar.

Exercise and serotonin
To control the serotonin you need less vigorous exercise like:
• Strolling or light walking
• Stretching exercises
• Gentle yoga, Ti Chi, or some form of light martial arts
• Reading, writing, or listening to music
• Meditation, massage, or Reiki

Why Sugar Ruins Our Health
• Can suppress the immune system
• Can upset the minerals in the body
• Can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating.• Produces a significant rise in triglycerides
• Contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection
• Can cause kidney damage
• Leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate, and rectum
• Increases fasting levels of glucose and insulin
• Causes a copper deficiency
• Interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium
• Weakens eyesight
• Raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin
• Can cause hypoglycemia
• Can produce an acidic stomach
• Malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease
• Can cause aging
• Increases the risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
• Can cause arthritis
• Can cause asthma
• Can cause Candida albicans (yeast infections)
• Can cause gallstones
• Can cause heart disease
• Can cause appendicitis
• Can cause multiple sclerosis
• Can cause hemorrhoids
• Can cause varicose veins
• Can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users
• Can lead to periodontal disease
• Can contribute to osteoporosis
• Leads to decreased glucose intolerance
• Can decrease growth hormone
• Can increase cholesterol
• Can increase the systolic blood pressure
• Can cause drowsiness and decreased activity
• Can cause migraine headaches
• Can interfere with the absorption of protein
• Causes food allergies
• Can contribute to diabetes
• Can cause cardiovascular disease
• Can impair the structure of DNA
• Can change the structure of protein
• Can make your skin age by changing the structure of collagen
• Can cause cataracts
• Can cause atherosclerosis

So remember there is a lot to be said "we are what we eat." I like to think we act and feel what we eat……..Bon Appétit