Thursday, March 24, 2016

Black Sheep Free Spirited People

I sit with people daily and many say they are the black sheep and that is their problem. I say really and tell them that I am the black sheep of the family and that it just means I am the free spirited one of the family and that I did not follow the pack. Being the black sheep in my family means I get to help others come to terms that most black sheep’s of the family are true free spirited creative people.

I realize that the role we played as children and young adults in our families can contribute to our present feelings of self of self-worth, feelings of social approval, as well as our psychological and emotional well-being. I also realize throughout my studies of people and families that in most families, there is at least one creative, sensitive, spiritual person who does not share the same values and life style as well as decisions and beliefs of the other family members.

Do not get discouraged, have anxiety or become depressed if you are that person. Take pride in it.  Most times, the family black sheep tends to be the most honest about who they are and what they stand for. We are people who are not afraid to stand up and speak out how we feel even at the risk of the judgment of others from the family. We black sheep’s should proudly stand and cope with the family ridicule before we compromise our beliefs or how we feel. We are living our personal truth openly and willfully.

Though sometimes, it can be difficult to be the black sheep and the family outcast, it is important to not change who you are to please the family. Speak your truth. They may try to shut you down, however, never let that stop you. You see, you need to come to terms that the things you were taught to say and do to create your life canvas was colored by your families feelings and beliefs and the black sheep is creative enough to add more variety of shades and colors. So speak out and speak up and walk the path of being who you are!

Do not allow being the black sheep of your family rob you of your self-esteem and the ability to believe in who you really are. Take pride in being noticeably different. Know you have the courage to speak your own truth even when family feels they can shut you off. Remember, your voice, your heart and your spirit belong to you. The black sheep creates their own sense of freedom and are true free spirited people.